Zimbabwe Leadership Training Programme
Second Module : 21-25 November

The second module of the Zimbabwe Leadership Training Programme was held from 21-25 November in Bulawayo.
There were 38 participants from 11 congregations. Among other topics, the module highlighted the pivotal role of teamwork, communication, discernment, and the search for God's will in leadership.
Participants reflected on issues specific to their congregation and searching for God's guidance in their leadership mandate as teams. In the plenary and learning groups they were able to share and identify the challenges and joys they face as religious in Zimbabwe.
Below are some of the comments from the participants' evaluations:
The module was empowering. I have learnt a lot from the facilitators and from other participants.
I now appreciate more the importance of personal and communal discernment before making a decision.
The module provided great opportunity for personal encounter with the Lord and some challenges within the team and apostolate. This gave me a better understanding of religious leadership and also my role in the team.
I feel capacitated.